
From your 481 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 4,939 items, starred 0 items, shared 0 items, and emailed 0 items.

The trends link in google reader is very neat indeed. Lately I feel stressed, pulled in too many directions. So I'm simplifying, and I just unsubscribed from all 481 subscriptions. Mailing lists are next. A couple of weeks ago I retired several domains I had been maintaining.

What gave me the courage to do this? Reading Robert Love's new book, Linux System Programming. That book has helped my complexion, my relationships, and my programming ability has skyrocketed. I recommend that anyone who owns a computer buy two of this book.

Also, on Sunday I finally hacked my own forgotten password on the little VMWare Windows machine I keep laying around for portability tests, and got Bazaar GTK GUI tools working on Windows. It was very easy, just an annoying number of different packages to install. I really must write down the exact steps I took to help others do it.